Friday, June 26, 2009

They grow up so fast!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A quick visit to Vernon for Father's day

This was a cute one of Grace, but me on the other hand...!
This shot was taken through the plexiglass windshield, she was doing her Vroom Vroom sound!
Looks like alot of fun crawling through the tunnel! Wish I could fit!
On your mark... get set....
...slide! (and look dramatic!)
She loves to push the stroller. It's kinda scary having it come toward you because you can't see her pushing it - it follows you!!!
Nona Grace is trying to lean out of the shot but Grace leans on in!

Monday, June 1, 2009

More pictures from Lisa and Kaitlen's visit

Sophie making a funny face, must be in mid-sniff or something.
Carolyn offers Grace a pretty Dandelion which she carries with her all day. Sophie, as usual, waits for someone to throw the ball.

...and more bubbles! (yes, I will be putting on a door frame soon!)