Thursday, December 30, 2010

Grace enjoying one of her presents.

Christmas in Vernon.

Grace with her new skates on the frozen pond at Silver Star Mountian.

She has a little red nose.

Ahh, Christmas morning! What did Santa bring?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Grace playing Ms. PacMan. She wondered what that "blue knob thingy" was inside the cabinet while on one of her many treasure hunts. She loves it, although I'm not surprised.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Stuff Grace says

Grace has had a cough lately. I made a comment to her upon hearing Jacquie cough and after coughing myself saying "Looks like we all have a bug!" She responded "No, just a frog!"

Grace singing

Stuff Grace says.

Now that Grace is well on her way on being familar with the english language she does say some interesting things. I will be posting these "Graceisms" here and there for all to enjoy.

Today while helping me with the dishwasher I said thank you, she responded with "Don't forget to worry about it!"
I figured I'd take this photo before my "Meteor" machine was taken away by its new owners. It was sad to see it go, I've had so many fond memories in the basement playing it while listening to Rush on the stereo. So long Meteor! My newest game is on the left, a Williams "Cyclone". Very cool!
Grace was helping decorate the tree and she decided to put six balls on one branch. It looked like some sort of festive growth or something.

Awww - our poor, old, plastc, made in China Christmas tree is still kicking. Although it is starting to lean leftward more and more each year!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Visiting Wendy and Kent in Calgary

This is an interesting photo. I took a picture of Wendy watching herself onTV. She is a veterinarian expert on a show called "Animal Heros"!
Grace and Vienna playing on the piano.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Grace's visit to Davison Orchards in Vernon

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Grace's 3rd birthday!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Murray and Gary's 40th

These are pics from Murray and Gary's 40th b-day bash. We all dressed in 70's garb for th party. As I didn't bring my camera let me THANK TIA AND STEPHANIE for allowing me to use your pics!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Getting tall!
Salmon returning. This picture is from Vernon, a very small walk from Jeff and Grace's home.

A big fat spider waiting for us at our front door. I regret to say I had to suck her up with my shop-vac.

A lovely play-dough rose Jacquie made.
Grace's favorite hiding spot while playing hide-and-seek.
When Grace is upset and needs a moment alone she always goes and sits on the bottom stair. So cute!
...she walks away with her head down and goes down to her quiet area. She comes back fresh as a daisy!