Monday, August 2, 2010

Hotel Creighton with the proud owners.
Kaylie taking a dip on a hot, hot day.

Grace and Mollie.

Alex and Brad.


Joanne and new arrival, Quentan.

Jacquie and Grace with Isabel's propeller hat.

One of the many applications of sun-screen. Here is Shelagh and Kal.

Breakfast outdoors, save us some food!

Here is a wonderful creation of Sean Brothers, bacon and sausage roll.

Hanging on the deck.

The swing set was a hit with the kiddies.

Grace flying!

Bindy, probably looking over at Murray goofing off.

Usually we see many water bombers this time of year, this was the only one I saw.

Julians idea of the "foam-dome"

Julian showing Darryl and Alex a huge, ugly grasshopper.

The huge, ugly grasshopper.

Jade pushing Grace on her bike.

The deck is all ready for the weekend.

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